Wednesday, 24 April 2019

29th April - Talk by Gordon Stuart - Arctic Rider

Back by popular demand, we have a talk by Gordon about his adventures riding in the Arctic Circle.
You may remember that a few years ago, we escorted Gordon away from St. Mary's Island at the beginning of his epic journey to Nordkapp. He came back to gives a great talk about his adventures on this trip, all the while raising money for his specific charities.
He also gave this talk on local radio and is coming back to give us an update on his adventures in the Arctic Circle.
We'll kick off about 8.30 so come along to the Golf Club to listen to Gordon.
Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Note change of Date -Open Day at Fishburn International Airport!

Due to an oversight ( or forgetfulness) by our Cultural Attaché from the Industrial Heartland's of England, he forgot to mention at Monday’s Business meeting that there is an ‘open day’ at Fishburn International Airport on May Bank Holiday Monday  (6th May). We have been unofficially invited to show up on old bikes and cars (The Skip is an obvious exception).

It’s a very informal affair according to o.C.A.f.t.I.H.o.E. If I understood him correctly (it’s very hard to do with a Brummie accent) it’s on from ‘late morning or lunchtime’ until ‘teatime’ ish.

It will be kind of weather dependent as, if it’s horrible weather, the planes won’t turn up. I’ll trundle down so hope to see you there.

Fishburn International Airport (callsign FIAX) can be found at Garmondsway, Bishop Middleham DL17 9DY.

Sounds good to me,

P.S Interesting facts about FIAX – it was opened on 30 June 1995 by the then local MP and Leader of the Opposition Tony Blair. It was named as "Airfield of the year" by aviation magazine Flyer in 2004 for its welcoming atmosphere and bacon butties. What more can you say…..